M2 Coach
Jenny Sharp
I’ve dedicated the past 5 years of my life to working with individuals within the CrossFit community to help improve their performance with in the gym and the quality of their lives outside of the gym.
BA from Columbia College Chicago, Precision Nutrition Level 1, CrossFit Level 1
Dog mom to Clementine (a sassy English Bulldog), CrossFit and hiking enthusiast, and Brene Brown fanatic. On the weekends, you can find Jenny checking out the newest restaurant with family and/or friends. She will never turn down the opportunity for some steak tartare or an offer to fitness with friends.
In highschool, Jenny was a 3 sport athlete, evening earning a soccer scholarship for college, but chose to follow her dream and attend Columbia College in Chicago to study dance. After finishing school, she began a career as a personal trainer which eventually led her to discover CrossFit. The mentality of the sport allowed her to shift focus from the way her body looked to what her body could DO. As CrossFit and nutrition tend to go hand in hand, Jenny discovered macro tracking. As most people do, Jenny had tried every fad diet in the books, but it wasn’t until she allowed herself to fully embrace the amount of food that she SHOULD be eating (read: more than 1500 calories a day) that she started to see results. She began fueling her body appropriately for the workouts she was enjoying and reaped the mental and physical gains.
Feeling compelled to share this new understanding with the rest of her friends at the gym, Jenny began coaching her athletes in nutrition as well. She wanted her CrossFit family to see the benefits of their hard work in the gym - not to self-sabotage with calorie restriction and fad dieting.
The Pittsburgh native is on a mission to empower her clients to find their own food freedom; to eliminate the fear of food and the urge to “burn off” calories. Her favorite coaching moments come from seeing a client's biofeedback reform. Watching as their quality of life improves via sleep, energy, mood, and fitness wins truly ignites her soul. Jenny’s motivation to become a nutrition coach came from her desire to teach people that it's possible to eat real food, have untracked meals, and enjoy days outside of the gym and still live a healthy life, in a healthy body.
Favorite Quote
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt
Client Testimonials
Dana L.
"Jenny was an empowering, knowledgeable, and motivating coach. I worked with her for just about a year, and she helped with body recomposition, and most importantly, improve my relationship with food. I'm forever grateful."
Marcia Bristow
"I needed to be accountable to someone and needed someone to re-enforce the need to take care of myself!"
Jenn V
"I came to M2 after being dissatisfied with the coaching of another nutrition agency. I also knew Mike from personal experience as a coach. I have been with Jenny for over two years and have grown exponentially as an athlete and with my knowledge of how my body reacts to food."
Jenny's Posts
Clean Up Your Sleep Hygiene and Have a Better Night's Sleep
Getting 8 hours of sleep each night can be tough. How do you quiet the noise of the day so that you can get to sleep and stay asleep? Barring any hormonal issues, a great place to start is developing a “Power Down Routine.”
Should YOU Go Gluten Free?
Ever been at a restaurant and seen the “GF” sign next to a dish? What does it mean exactly? Is it healthier than the other dishes? Gluten free labels are popping up more and more these days. Should you go gluten free? We’re here to break down the science behind going gluten free and help you decide whether or not it’s right for you.